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Bella Rose Beauty Cream 4oz

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99% pure. In a base of soothing Aloe vera, shea butter, vitamin E and added frankincense to make this cream truly luxurious. 


Hydrates and moisturizes the skin

Promotes collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.

Soothes sunburn, irritation, and inflammation.

Speeds up wound healing and reduces scaring.


Shea butter is a natural emollient, rich in fatty acids that deeply nourish and hydrate the skin without clogging your pores.


is a powerful antioxidant, helping combat free radicals, reducing fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.

the list goes on, but need I say more?


promotes the regeneration of skin cells, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, helping to firm and tone the skin.


Beauty Hint: Remember to moisturize your neck and chest area. In your skincare layering the routine beauty cream will be the grand finale. remember, thinnest to thickest. call me for more info.

This luxurious cream is formulated to gently soften and tighten skin and fade the appearance of stretch marks and scars. We use the finest ingredients to produce a high-quality cream that will delight and nourish your skin. This emollient cream is also perfect to reduce the signs aging in neck, eye and ear area. 

Use daily as fine line reliever around eye and neck area. Apply to stretch marks or scars twice daily.

 Exfoliate regularly for best results. (Honey rose facial scrub) hint, hint.

As a first aid cream apply at first signs of sunburn or other minor burns or small wounds.



11 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Best scrub ever!

    Posted by Doreen on 21st May 2014

    I use the scrub, rose hip oil and beauty cream and love them all!! I have noticed a softness in my skin and it looks so much smoother. My niece said "wow, you look like you really take good care of your skin"

  • 5
    I love this cream!

    Posted by Traci Rae Wong on 13th May 2014

    I use Bella Rose Beauty Cream under my sunscreen daily to nourish and protect my face from harsh chemicals that are in the sunscreen.